Banner design for Digestallin

All disease begins in the intestine


Taking care of your digestive system is taking care of your health.

55.4% of the adult population in Algeria declares having had at least one digestive disorder in 1 year (1) and 65.3% of students (2).

Digestive disorders are recognizable because they are accompanied by very marked symptoms: constipation, diarrhea, pain, heaviness, bloating…

Whether you just have difficulty digesting, stomachache or occasional reflux or whether you suffer from constipation, recurrent abdominal pain … the digestive tract conditions are numerous and disabling, they disrupt daily life.

Laboratoires Hygia Pharma, established in Switzerland, will launch in the second half of 2023 a range of products to improve digestive comfort, particularly digestion and gastric reflux.

Did you know ?

From the age of 3 years, the enzyme which makes it possible to digest lactose, lactase, hardly works anymore. So each time we consume dairy, our body makes an incredible effort to digest it… which causes heaviness after meals and digestive disorders (pain and diarrhea or constipation)… There are products particularly suited to this disorder, providing real well-being on a daily basis.

Our products will be available in your pharmacies in the second half of 2023.

We suggest that you register on our site to be able to receive information on our products and their launch dates in advance. We will also offer you surprises that will allow you, for example, to do good business while taking care of your health. See you soon !


  1. Une étude menée en 2013 sur la prévalence des troubles digestifs en Algérie rapporte que 55,4% de la population enquêtée a eu au moins un symptôme digestif au cours de l’année écoulée. Les symptômes les plus fréquemment rapportés étaient les douleurs abdominales (26,8 %), les ballonnements (24,4 %) et la diarrhée (21,3 %). L’étude a également révélé que les troubles digestifs étaient plus fréquents chez les femmes et dans les zones urbaines (Bouziane et al., 2013). Bouziane, M., Boudjeniba, S., Boutekdjiret, L., & Cherrak, S. (2013). Prévalence des troubles digestifs en Algérie : Une étude en population. Journal saoudien de gastroentérologie, 19(1), 28-34.
  2. Une autre étude menée en 2016 sur la prévalence des troubles gastro-intestinaux chez les étudiants universitaires en Algérie a révélé que 65,3% des étudiants interrogés ont signalé au moins un symptôme digestif au cours de l’année écoulée. Les symptômes les plus fréquemment rapportés étaient les ballonnements (46,7 %), les douleurs abdominales (41,6 %) et la constipation (34,8 %) (Kouidri et al., 2016).

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